Common Sense Takes a Capitol Holiday – Again

Guns with detachable magazines provide a “virtually limitless ability to kill….”

Huh?  This is a bunch of bull, but really – who cares?

PS - Sam

Sam Paredes in Committee

The Democrats on the Assembly Public Safety Committee sure don’t.  In fact, holding fast to the outrageous is par for their course – it doesn’t much matter what you say as long as it gets you the results you want. 

AB 1663 (fixed magazines-bullet button/Chiu), AB 1664 (fixed magazines-bullet button/Levine) and AB 1674 (one gun-a-month/Santiago) all passed, getting a big thumbs up from committee Democrats in spite of solid testimony from pro-gun groups, including GOC Executive Director Sam Paredes.

“The great Jack Nicholson line ‘You can’t handle the truth’ certainly applies to the Public Safety liberals,” said Paredes.  It’s as if they revel in being factually impaired – they have a choice to believe the outrageous or believe the truth.  They choose the lie.”

I don’t see why anyone needs that many guns…”
Assemblyman Miguel Santiago

Hearty kudos go to out-numbered Committee Vice Chair Melissa Melendez for her articulate and robust comments on each gun bill that came up. Can you all imagine what life would be like if we had more legislators like her fighting for us at the Capitol?

The Brady Campaign says bullet buttons “violate the intent of the law” and allow for “incredibly quick reloads…” 

…and according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, they 
make guns the “functional equivalent to military assault weapons”

Testimony was heard on AB 1673 (Gipson) which will be amended (specifically how is currently a mystery) and thus, put over for a vote until another day.

Ghost guns are the new frontier for gun trafficking” – Assemblyman Mike Gipson

The Democrats wouldn’t dare to question statistics or statements from the Brady Campaign.  On the other hand, Gun Owners craves questions from members – whether they support us or not.  Honest dialogue:  what a concept!

(***When available, GOC will post a link to the entire Public Safety Committee hearing, which took place on Tuesday, March 1 at 9 am in Room 126 of the State Capitol.)


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