WHAT’S GOC DOING ON PROP 63? Good Question!

People want to know what GOC is doing to defeat Gavin Newsom and Proposition 63.

goc_mark_w_neg_loyalblue-002Good question.

For those who haven’t noticed, we have been at the tip of the virtual spear for the past 11 months.  Through every step of the process, we’ve not just been working defensively – but we have moved offensively, too.

But the question’s still out there:  What are we doing to thwart this proposition?

The short answer is the Coalition for Civil Liberties, a diverse group of organizations that have come together to create a unified political action committee to oppose Proposition 63.  It’s a coalition of civil rights advocacy groups from the politiccoalition-banneral left and right, plus elected Sheriffs, police, prosecutors, gun owners, Olympic target shooters, parents, survivors, and people who believe in the right to choose a firearm as the appropriate tool to defend their family.

For those who want to know the specifics of what GOC is doing, you have to take the time to understand why we are doing it the way we are doing it.

For GOC to participate financially in opposition to Proposition 63 without violating the confidentiality of our donors required the formation of a separate political action committee (PAC). Believing the 2nd Amendment community is far stronger when we work together than if we toil alone, GOC, CRPA and the NRA (plus a host of other groups) formed the Coalition for Civil Liberties so we could fight cooperatively, using our collective resources for a single purpose without compromising the privacy of our individual donors.

In addition to the production of ads and an extraordinary push through all social media outlets in the state, the Coalition has been mobilizing a ground force of people in committees of volunteers – to organize their local communities to distribute literature and to phone bank prior to the election.  The Coalition is tapping into the leadership of ordinary citizens to help educate voters on what Proposition 63 is all about because an informed electorate is an effective electorate.

So if you want to know the particulars of what we are doing regarding Proposition 63, check out www.stoptheammograb.com and then sign up to volunteer.  Join us – if not with your time – at least your resources.

Beyond the election, GOC will continue our efforts to mobilize, educate and lobby on behalf of the citizens of California who value the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.  We have an enormous voting block at our fingertips, and we must waken the sleeping giant that lives in our state.  We have to be smacked out of our apathy and take the energy from the VetoGunmageddon effort and move it forward to the polls in November. We will continue our “no compromise” mission as the oldest gun rights political action committee in the United States.  We will continue our dedicated and unequivocal defense of the 2nd Amendment and America’s extraordinary heritage of firearm ownership.

Join the Coalition.  Join GOC.  Be armed.  Be informed.

Posted in

L.A. Paredes


  1. peskybobcat on October 8, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    Your doing good work keep it up!!!

  2. Tom on November 9, 2016 at 4:24 pm

    Will there be a challenge placed with the courts today on the Constitutionality of this bill?

  3. Max on November 10, 2016 at 5:50 pm

    Prop 8 got the popular votes but was defeated by some court!! How can we defeat prop 63. I think it violates the Commerce Clause among other constitutional rights. They cannot destroy Second Amendment but they can pass laws that would “frustrate” gun ownership. This is just the beginning folks. They will introduce more laws that will further frustrate gun ownership and usage.
    What’s next? Banning firearms that have a trigger?
    We MUST fight the constitutionality of this tyrannical law in courts.
    If you are clear to buy firearms you are clear to buy ammo… period.