How many ways can you spell EPIC FAILURE?
The state’s new ammunition registration scheme is underway, and the roll-out was overwhelmingly … awful. We are not the least bit surprised – the comments below are just a sampling of what we have heard.
This is not GOC’s first rodeo with the Department of Justice, so our expectations were justifiably very, very low. The DOJ has a long history of taking a mess and making things even messier. The examples* are many, and now we might actually have the biggest cluster of all
I went to pick up the firearm today and was told by the employees that they were unable to release it to me due to the DROS system being down, because of the mess that the ammo background check rollout has caused. They have no idea when it will be back up.
… I proceeded to call the DES help line and ask if they had any idea as to why it would do this. The representative could not provide us an answer and the only solution that we were provided was to perform the enhanced $19.00 eligibility check, which the customer rightfully declined. For three boxes of .22 rimfire ammo, we had to do all the paperwork, trouble our customer, and then he gets denied and the DOJ Could not provide a reason why.
Wasn’t two years more than enough time to get this ammo farce up and going? The unconstitutionality of the background check itself is reason enough to run screaming from the state with our hair on fire (please don’t go – GOC needs you to stay and help fight the idiots). The added frustration (anger) comes with long lines, erroneous denials, ridiculous wait times and uncertain and confused retailers who’ve been left high and dry by DOJ. Is their refusal to answer questions about denials or provide adequate system training a strategic move to deflate California’s gun owners or was it just a sign of sheer incompetence? Maybe a little of both.
Today I logged in to the CA DOJ DES DROS system and I don’t see any way to enter and submit the required information or how to get authorizations. I called 1-855-DOJ-DROS (1-855-365-3767) a couple of times for assistance, left a message, and no one has called me back. I can’t sell ammunition and comply with the new law.
Gun Owners of California is working with other Second Amendment groups to gather statistical data from licensed ammunition vendors AND customers on the problems many have faced with the registration process itself. The collection of this data is of utmost importance to overturning the ammunition registration scheme, and will be extremely helpful in strengthening our arguments in the lawsuit (Rhode v. Becerra). If you have an experience you would care to pass along, we strongly encourage you to contact us here and we will forward the questionnaire for your use (or other individuals who have either been denied or have experienced difficulties along the way).
Attempted to buy ammo and was denied (after waiting there 45 mins, yay). Went back again a couple days later on the 3rd. Paid $19 for a general background check and am awaiting the result as I was unable to buy ammo yet again . I am not prohibited as I just bought a new rifle a month prior. Turner’s employees were not sure why I was denied and did not seem to have answers.
GOC is strongly committed to fighting this new law and we hope you will join us in the process. If you have any questions regarding the lawsuit or the ammunition registration, please do not hesitate to contact us. Remember, the people running our state know nothing about economics, running a business and they sure as heck know nothing about guns and the Constitution. What they do know is bureaucracy. They get straight A’s there.
I bought a new hunting rifle beginning of June with my calif. Drivers license that expires 8/2023. Went to buy ammo after July 1st and that license was no good. I had to drive 20 miles back home to get my birth certificate. Not Happy.
* For example, DOJ has spent has spent tens of millions of dollars on the APPS program (Armed Prohibited Persons System),trying to get a handle on the backlog, but they still have an embarrassingly large logjam. The Department has also consistently failed to provide adequate notice when implementing new regulations, going to far as to drop them on the eve of several holidays, giving people little chance for public comment. They even – OOPS – leaked the private information of firearm safety instructors, to the media, no less!
Attempted to Purchase Ammo on July 3rd and 4th Denied! Told to check code on CFARS. CFARS says Current AFS on record did not match the Ammo one just submitted. July 5th pick up Firearm after DROS and Waiting Period no problem! So purchase of a firearm was fine purchase of Ammo denied! Because of the Ammo law my Constitutional Right To Defend My Family, Myself and My Personal Property have been Violated! This is Unconstitutional and needs to be overturned!
To Whom it May Concern,
Read end paragraphs for description of what occurred.
After being denied a purchase and to figure out how to correct this dysfunctional problem with the state, I went to the California DOJ’s CFARS website.
I signed up to enter an update of my address and records, and list the Beretta M9 Pistol that I last purchased. My thinking is that once you are now in the ‘NEW’ system it will recognize you and allow the purchase, all other necessary requirements being met and to date.
My record on the CFARS database is now shown as ‘accepted’.
I’m presuming this means I may be able to go through a purchase again and see if it is allowed.
Note: the state’s website is not easy to navigate and the link I used to get to the place where I could check the reason for the denial is so inefficiently buried that it was difficult to figure it out and get the information I needed to check the reason for rejection. It’s like they have a link on the site but you cant access it until they email you after you have initiated some type of data collection for the CFARS program. The denial did not result in any help or direction to figure out how to correct it, thus further delaying my right to bear a loaded firearm, that without ammunition is just a hunk of metal with moving parts.
This is what the DOJ posted as a notice for me on the CFARS site once I logged on:
Rejected :
Pursuant to Penal Code section 30370, subdivision (b), your name, date of birth, current address, and government issued or military identification must match an entry in the Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms’ Automated Firearms System (AFS) (state-wide firearm ownership repository). You have been rejected for one of the following reasons: 1) you do not have an AFS record or 2) the information you provided to the ammunition vendor does not match the AFS record that is on file. Information on what establishes an AFS record or how to update an existing AFS record can be found at CFARS Home (Yeah, try navigating this one to correct the issue!)
Here is the link that I used to check the reason for the denial which is only available to the user on the ‘Guest’ page and not to someone signed up; does that make any sense?
The transaction DROS Number 08955-0000000442
Ammunition Eligibility Check Status and Information!
This form of unconstitutional citizen data collection is the state big brother way out of control!
Not having any criminal or other disqualifying background, I’m suspecting it is probably the DOJ database that flubbed everything up while using the “Standard Eligibility Check” wherein my new address on my driver’s license maybe didn’t match the address I used when I legally purchased a handgun over a year ago and underwent the background check for that.
This my earlier text of complaint to inform those who are seeking to overturn this law infringing on our 2nd Amemdment rights:
“June 30, 2019 I purchased ammunition online at Brass Pro Shops Website.
Went in to the store to pick up ammo on 7-8-2019, they ran my CA driver’s license and based on the database, I was already in the system for handgun purchase a year earlier.
DENIED purchase.
I am at a loss to know why as I do not meet any of the requirements for denial: “purchasers are not prohibited from owning or possessing ammunition due to a felony and/or violent misdemeanor conviction or warrant, domestic violence restraining order, or mental health issue”. None of the determinations listed above apply to me. I am a retired Firefighter, never been arrested for anything, or had to post bail, nor do I take any medications or have any mental health issues, and have been live-scanned by Placer County Sheriff previously.
Could it be not registering a previously purchased firearm? That I didn’t know was required and I am now flagged? From what I’ve read about those laws, My firearms were purchased prior to the law requirements and I believe I am in compliance.
Your story sounds similar to mine I have been rejected twice now even after updating my information on their website. Tried to log in online to their site and it locked me out. Now I am having trouble reaching anyone on the phone to unlock my account. Oh by the way, I am Deputy Sheriff….
Not an owner.
Ammo laws amount to Tariff charged by California in violation of U.S. Constitution.
Ammo laws violate Interstate Commerce Laws denying businesses out of State from selling directly to buyers.
Forcing gun sales to only California businesses creates same violations.
Tried to buy ammo last week at Walmart and was told they haven’t received there computer yet. My second amendment has been infringed on.
I’m a deputy sheriff and was unable to buy practice ammo at Wal-Mart because my application was denied/rejected. I purchased a firearm within the last two years, but the CFARS website indicated my information did not match. Attempted to use the law enforcement exemption, however, employees were not trained on how that should be done. I later completed the Personal Information Update Application on CFARS and received an email that there was a notice for me to review. I logged in, however, there weren’t any notices.
I am a LEO in the state of california. I served 4 years in the Marine Corps and have no criminal record and am being denied one box of .45 cal ammo. I guess I can bear arms just not with any ammo? Where is the right in that?.DOJ does not give any option to talk with anyone. I feel unsafe that I can’t buy ammo.
I have some spare .45 ammo that I can give you.
Retired LEO and carry title 18 US 926Code and state certified I can carry 24/7 but no ammo. I assume, since they will not tell you why your denied, that it is because the new Cal/Federal HLS drivers license had to have a birth certificate. This showed my birthdate was june 2nd not june 3rd. Tried to but ammo denied. Went to firearms dealer for Dros on 2 months ago firearm purchase and he said that DOJ probably says that due to the birthday change I do not exist. But that is only a guess. Here again I can buy and carry a firearm nation wide but cannot buy ammo, BRILLANT. So you call DOJ and their recording[only] says you must hire an attorney to challenge the denial. You cannot talk directly to anyone at DOJ.
Retired Calif. LEO last purchase 6-19 firearm. 7-25 denied to buy ammo. No reason given. Went to dealer and he said that he guessed that it was because my new true ID required by HLS has a different birthday than what my old drivers license said. Birth certificate required showed my DOB as one day off from what I used my whole life according to my parents. DOJ recording allows no verbal contact with instruction to hire an attorney if you wish to challenge. I can carry nation wide Title 18 US 926 code and state retire qualified and can purchase firearms but no ammo, “BRILLANT”. Dealer assisting trying to resolve but have to pay 19 dollars with no promises only maybe after showing new license Dros and LEO ID.
Retired LEO Titled !8 approved. Can carry nation wide but no ammo. DOJ comunicates only through an Attorney according to recording. Last purchase 6-19. No reason given. I can purchase a firearm but I cannot buy ammo? For further please contact.
California retired police . qualified with title 18 previlages. bought last firearm june 2019 but cannot buy ammo now. No reason given. Please contact for further
Retired LEO, title 18 USC 926 approved and state certified to carry. Denied ammo but I can buy the weapon. No reason given by DOJ for denial and recording says to obtain a attorney to challenge. Left numerous request with no response.
I was denied at Walmart twice so far 1st time on the 20th because my license has FLA on it so I couldn’t even get a background check, came back two days later with my birth certificate and was denied again and told to contact C.F.A.R.S. to find out why.
Pc 30370 my address does not match the address on file at A.F.S.
So not only are your guns registered to you they are also registered to an address. It’s funny they say they don’t keep long guns on register only handguns yet I have proof doj has my 7mag on file, that I bought new 23 years ago and has lost my glock in the system twice, had to defend my self once was told it wasn’t registered to me proved it with receipt had to refile with doj got a letter from camala Harris the sitting AG at the time to get it back and just a couple weeks ago I was told again it was not registered to me and had to prove it with both documents again proving doj can’t enforce the laws we have now and criminals don’t care about them to begin with……..
Hello, I went to buy ammo and try out the new law on 7/23.
I have heard that you would not be able to buy ammo that wasn’t
connected to a firearm you had registered? I’m not sure it is true but
I wasn’t sure. I purchased a box of 30-30 rounds which was for a rifle
I received after my fathers death five years ago. I dont know if it was registered when he bought it, and I didn’t when I received it. Not sure if this helps? thanks Keith
I am a retired USAF veteran and have no prior criminal record. My driver’s license is federal compliant that I just renewed last June. Today, I was attempting to purchase ammunition at WalMart and I was denied. To make it worst, it doesn’t even provide you with any reason why it was denied and I bought firearms here within the last 5 years. The most recent ones were in February & April of this year. I was also told that multiple applicants were also denied today. This is a horrible law and basically it amounts to taking our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones.
Couldn’t buy ammo from Walmart 2636 on 7/28/19. Employee Bob couldn’t get DROS to appear in system after he had to manually enter in my license data because the system claimed that my real ID wasn’t valid when he swiped it through the magnetic reader. I spent at least 35 minutes trying with the WalMart employee to get the system to work. I have a Real ID, a government ID, and my CCW, and I still couldn’t buy ammo.
My request to buy ammunition at Walmart in Huntington Beach was denied last week. I have updated my profile at, but even so, my second request was denied again today, 08/03/2019. What do we have to do?
Received my real ID. Change my address through the DOJ CFARS three times and Received a reject on all 3 that had A picture of my Real ID New drivers license and birth certificate. Never been arrested or in jail. Triple checked my serial number and spelling of my guns.
I can’t purchase any ammo as of July 1st?
Sent an email and I’m waiting for a response on what I am doing wrong.
I’ll keep you updated
Denied in SoCal Walmart. Rejection status reason was:
No AFS record
Info given to vender doesn’t match what California’s AFS file has
nice– the backdoor gun ban is in.
I tried to buy steel shot for Dove hunting, and copper ammo for dear hunting at Sportsman’s Warehouse today. I legally own shotguns, pistols, and rifles. purchased legally in CA in the last 20 to 25 years. I have registered as a hunter since 1978, and have never had a violation with fish and game, or ever had a felony on my record. I was denied the ammo purchase and and the clerk gave me the website to CFARS to register one of my guns as non of them were purchased in last 5 years. I was amazed as how un-intuitive the CFARS website is, and wonder if I filled out the right form? This is an EPIC FAILURE, the law as written states if you dont have a felony, you wont be denied. How come I have to re-register my gun with the State of CA? Why don’t they have the information already? I am taking my kids hunting this year and I am going with the correct AMMO, but if the state wont let me buy it here, I will go out of state or GOD FORBID use my stock of lead, until the state pulls its head out of its ass. HUNTERS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM! WE TEACH OUR KIDS RESPECT FOR GUNS AND TO WATCH OUT FOR IDIOTS WHO DON’T RESPECT THEM!
An update to trying to buy dove load. My AFS record is still in pending cart at CFARS website, and I added submission on August 9th, today is August 14th. My last rifle purchase was in 2011, however I applied for my most recent shotgun purchase in 2009 since trying to buy shotgun shells. I tried to call with contact us feature at CFARS but goes to automated line only. I sent them an email, and have no reply. I had a legal transfer in California in 2001 for a hundgun and it did not automatically show. I was at a different address in 2001, but how would I rectify to my new addrress? Shame on me for moving, and shame shame shame for not buying a gun since 2014. It is time to follow civil disobedience. Recall Xavier Becerra – was not an attorney for 5 years before appointed into Attorney General and this is against the state law.
Same as all above trying to purchase ammo at Walmart. (Deny/Reject) with no reason.
I have completed several live scans which were processed and approved.
Walmart agent provided me with website to check and review Eligibility Check. or CALDOJCFARS website. Impossible to navigate . . .
Finally located site which requested me to provide the DROS Number and my date of birth.
The site rejected my DROS Number and stated the number must be 15 digits long.
The DROS number is 16 digits long? For the life of me I spent a lot of time trying to remove dashes, (zeros in front) ect. . . Can I buy ammo in NV?
honorably retired Police office carrying concealed with Cal. state and federal title18 denied ammo purchase.No reason given. Paid $19 to get approved, 2days later denied again. DOJ will not talk to anyone and recording says to seek attorney. Contacted area assemblymen and he is trying but no luck so far. apparently I must prove to them that I am not a criminal nor ever have been. frustrated! HELP!
I didn’t know about the new law. This past Friday I went to Big 5 where a year ago I purchased a .22 rifle and some ammo. I was turned away because I didn’t have my passport or my birth certificate. On Sunday I went back to Big 5 only to be denied. I live in Green Mojave rattlesnake countey and this year we are inundated with the dangerous critters. All I want to do is protect my family from rattlers. Now I don’t know what to do. The staff at Big 5 were no help.
Went to Walmart Saturday night to purchase shot gun shells to go to the range on Sunday. Have not tried to buy ammunition under the new law yet. Background check was rejected. No one of the store knew how to handle it and I can’t find any way to chase it. I’ve hunted all my life I’m 68 years old and this is ridiculous.
My record is perfectly clean!!!
Can only guess that I tried to purchase the ammunition Saturday night at 9 o’clock that they thought maybe I was trying to kill somebody…
Please Send me the questionnaire for ca ammo registration nonsense !
I would like to help defeat this nonsense!
I was denied and have my ccw permit,
what a joke !!!
Thank you
Just transferred to San Diego from Omaha Nebraska. While in Nebraska, I’ve purchased several weapons and ammo on numerous occasions as I am an avid Deer Hunter. I went to Walmart a couple of weeks ago, to purchase a single box of 9 mm bullets. Initially I was told that I needed a birth certificate and a California license. As I didn’t have the California license with me, I went home to retrieve my license and birth certificate, and came back two days later, and was told that all I needed was the license from the beginning, as the law had recently changed (within a 2day period ironically) Only requiring a California state ID.. So, I provided my license, and was then told that I would have to have the address on my license match (which it didn’t) my current address. With that being said, I went down to the DMV and got the little card stamped (confirming my address) and returned to Walmart the following day to attempt to get a background check conducted;and was told that I was denied. They didn’t have a reason as to why, however, I was told to call the DOJ to get an answer… Prior to transferring to California, I have held a concealed carry permit, I have a gun purchase card from my last duty station which was Nebraska, and again I have never had an issue purchasing a weapon (let-alone) ammunition, or passing a background check. Why is it so difficult in California??
Have a .410 on order locally, I think the last ticket I got, was for speeding, like 7 or 8 years ago. I thought I’d pickup some cheap ammo from Walmart so I could familiarize myself with the shotgun.
About an hour into it, we finally get the one person in the store authorized to sell ammo. All the other helpfuls told me I couldn’t buy ammo because my driver license didn’t have a Gold Bear in the upper right hand corner. I said that’s because mine hasn’t renewed yet and I don’t have the new license.
Anyway, she asked for my Driver License, and then asked for my second form of I.D., I left my VA card in my truck but remembered I had a Passport Border crossing wallet card. She asked my nationality. I answered white because that’s what my mother put on everything since I was a child. (We have 3 or 4 tribes of American Indian, primarily Cherokee, so I’ve always wondered how to actually classify myself. Oh and a DNA test my mother did says we have an African ancestor, not enough choices!) Then she wanted my email address, telephone number, place of birth.
Then she says I’m DENY/REJECT, and that I should get a hold of them, it’s usually because of an address difference between what I just gave her and the one I used to buy my gun. I said I don’t have a gun. End of conversation.
Went online to the CFARS site. Had to set up an account to update my address, etc. Got to a form that would not let me proceed until I entered my gun sale information. Again, I am not as of yet a gun owner. I have one on order. So now what the hell do I do. When my shotgun arrives and I go down to the store to do the 10 day waiting period, do the background check, which I have already failed, I think I’m screwed.
I don’t have any problems with the law, am not seeing a doctor for psychological issues, don’t have any felonies obviously, haven’t had any restraining orders, what’s next for me? Buy a gun and ammo on the street. Black Market. It’s got to be easier and cheaper.
Okay, update. In order for me to buy ammo, my CFARS info on my gun purchase must match my info I gave to make the ammo purchase. Since I don’t own a gun. I can’t purchase ammo. Don’t think this is how the laws are written.
Also, every phone number I could find, is either disconnected or directs you to input a different extension. Without, a directory. As far as I can tell there is no way to get a hold of them. This seems like a blatant violation of my 2nd amendment rights.
I am a disabled USMC veteran and a law abiding citizen with a pristine background and have a active CCW license .I went to buy ammo for my CCW weapon and was denied.I tried like the rest of these individual’s to try and contact Ca DOJ with no response.I then went to their web site to try and register only to find that it will not let you .It keeps kicking me off.I am lost for words .If anyone can assit me in what steps to take to navigate , would be appreciated.
I have been denied THREE times to purchase a box of non-lead ammunition so I can legally deer hunt this season. After each denial, I drove all the way home, frustrated, and went online to make sure my CFARS information is accurate. I don’t even know why I was denied, all I received is a DROS number. I retired after 23 years as a peace officer, serving over twenty of those years as a SWAT officer who was not only the team commander but a statewide tactical firearms instructor. I am a law-abiding citizen with no felonies who simply wants to buy ammo so I can take my young boys hunting, and I need new ammunition since all of my old ammunition is no longer legal to hunt with in this state due to the ban on lead ammunition. How is it possible that this has happened to us? How are we supposed to teach our children to hunt or to handle firearms safely, and how to follow the rules, when good law-abiding citizens cannot even walk into your local Walmart or Big 5 and pick up a box of ammunition. I called the number they provided, and of course there are only recordings. I emailed the email they gave me, and no response. I sent requests through the CFRS system, and they respond by giving me the same phone number and email. Who is fighting for us? How could this even happen in this country? This is certainly a blatant violation of our 2nd Amendment because our right to legally posses firearms is being treated like a privilege that can be taken or denied or revoked without cause.
To all individuals who have sent stories about ammo purchase denials, GOC has provided a link that will send your experience directly to the legal team that is working on the lawsuit. We have gathered literally hundreds of stories and have passed them on, but we have now been able to streamline the transmittal of data. Click on the following link to be redirected:
Thank you for taking the time to send the information – it’s important!
I moved 2 months ago and 2 weeks before dove season updated to the real ID
License to simplify purchasing ammo. An hour later I finally found a big 5 that had 6 boxes of steel #6 shot dove loads…..
I attempted to purchase all 6 boxes due to the new lead restriction, and of course I was rejected even though I had purchased 2 firearms in the last 3 years. I asked clerk why and they dont know crap. So now my rights are being administered through a government legislated nightmare portal.
Did I mention I am a 10 year marine veteran and of course I am thanked for my service as I am being denied my purchase. WTF
Deer season starts in two weeks, I needed some 30-30 ammo, non-lead to comply with the new regulations. I have never been convicted of a crime, I pay all my taxes, a current CCW holder, went through hunters safety, paid for a hunting license and deer tag. All backgrounds approved! Yet I am denied the ammo, so I can’t hunt! Sounds like a clear violation of my 2nd amendment right!
USAF veteran. No criminal history. No guns registered in California. REAL CA ID with same address for 20years.
Walmart attempted to buy 9 mm ammo.
Now I’m navigating DROS CFARS and CA DOJ systems looking for the place I insert my DROS number which documents the REJECTED transaction. Definitely NOT citizen friendly. Just a big foolish bureaucratic and techno incompetent process that suppresses a legal citizen’s ability to purchase ammo.
CAN’T BUY AMMO? Never any violations, not even a traffic ticket (over 10 yrs.) I even had stolen weapons recovered and returned to me by the Modesto District attorney and the Modesto Police Dept. No restrictions or violations obviously ; except NOW I CAN’T buy ammo?
(Walmart 10-10-19)…NO answer?no reason why?… I sent a fax to the Dept. of Justice in Sac. & email with my drivers license and correct address along with my Birth Certificate ; What else do they need?….This is just another anti- gun scam preventing and interfering in our Second Amendment rights. We can NOT let these $#@&%. get away with it. I was already angry enough with all the dishonest corruption, Now this?…..I have Had about enough.
Robert Berry
An American angry enough to fight.
Failed my first ammo background check. I was told it is because I am a JR. The new system can not line up my name with CFARS due to lack of a suffix field. Waiting on my $19 background check to process. If this is right every JR must fail. What a scam!
I am a California resident. A military member for 7 years. I’m an infantry guy. 0331 currently Machine gun instructor. I have never been arrested. Pay all my taxes. I was denied the ability to buy ammo. Thanks California. I’ll put my life on the line for the constitution of the United States just so you can spit and step on it.
I was denied ammo purchase today, I am a current CCW holder and bought a hand gun two months ago, what is this state coming too?? I can no longer except this attack on our second amendment rights
Have bought guns in the past year and two years. Have passed every background check. Never been convicted of anything or even been to jail. Went to the store to buy ammo for duck season, was told I couldn’t and needed to go to CFARS. Did that, was denied. Now I can’t buy ammo for the season. I do everything by the book and have never done anything wrong, why am I being punished by this law? Just want to hunt as I always have.
I was finally able to successfully get through the DROS system (after several attempts due to the system being down) and purchased my shotgun shells. Now, after 6-more attempts I am denied the ability to purchase any additional shells. No explanation. State Justice Dept. call in number does not allow one to make a purchase. Obviously something in the State system doesn’t match but there is no process for a customer to fix it. No recommendations either.
Firefighter, Air Force Reservist and Veteran, federal employee, with no criminal history…denied.
I was rejected from buying ammunition today at Turners Outdoorsman because of some issue with my address, they could not prove the last gun they sold me was at my current Concealed Carry address, Which is ridiculous because the permit even shows my address and my corresponding serial number of my weapon to that address! It also matched my driver’s license and the info the employee showed me…still denied. I was told that my weapon may be registred with the Sherriff’s office at that address but CA can’t prove that.
Hello everyone I just bought a new pistol. I’ve been denied three times since I got my brick that I could throw at some possible intruder.this is the order I,big 5,and a local gun store.when I went and tried for my 3rd at bat but guess what strike 3.i know how frustrating.ive got to know the workers at the local shop.when he ran my name he said I think I see the suffix which is Jr not junior is connected to my last name.i dont now how this happened.i never signed paperwork stating local FFL where I bought my pistol did all the paperwork I did overlook my paperwork and everything seemed fine but I guess not gonna try nomore.i juess time will tell.i just don’t understand whoever runs the system can’t see that my suffix is wrong or doesn’t belong in my last name.california I tell you.this is my horrible ammo purchase story. thanks
Mr. Cubeiro,
I just find out that my name at the DOJ is different from my driver licence. The Ammo Bros receipt states my name as “Eric Martin Gomez Velarde” which is different from my California Driver I.D. as “Eric Martin Gomez”, which is also the same on my passport (U.S.), my Fire Arm Safety Certificate (from Ammo Bros too).
Is this the information on the receipt of Ammo Bros that the DOJ will have? Then that is the reason why I can buy ammo…anywhere. I had the chance today( Jan 11, 2020) to go to the Ammo Bros store (same store of purchase) and they confirmed the purchase of the rifle in June 16th, 2017. At the moment of running the background check, the customer representative verified with me all of the entries in the system, everything looks good. He ran the check and I was denied….again. We could not figure this out.
Why if I bought the rifle with them and a background check was done before? When the manager saw the names on the receipt of purchase and compared it to my driver licence, my W-2, my Fire Arm Safety Certificate he told me ” the name on the receipt is Gomez Velarde and all the rest is Gomez only”.
Since my driver and passport will expire in Apr 2020, the manager told me also to go get my REAL ID and make sure that my name is the same as my Naturalization Certificate (Eric Martin Gomez), my W-2 is Eric Martin Gomez, my California Driver Licence (Yxxxxxx) also says Eric Martin Gomez. Except for my Military Document DD214 form which they wanted the whole name Eric Martin Gomez Velarde. The only time I had to use the entire name was in Texas to buy my house under a VA loan.
Now that I need to obtain a REAL ID I want to use what I have been using always…Eric Martin Gomez…,but now my rifle is registered to Eric Martin Gomez Velarde and I can’t use it with my family…unless I fly to Texas with mom and dad and enjoy summer over there with the kids and wife. It is frustrating, absurd, and inefficient this new law!
It is NOT fix!
The question that everyone should be asking is this………..if it takes a few minutes to determine if I’m a criminal and to sell me ammo…..then why should I have to wait 10 days before I can pick up my new gun??????????
I Did a PPT on Jan 2 2020. I called the gun store on the 17th letting them know I would be heading down the next day. I live 5 hours away so I wanted to make sure everything was good to go so that I could pick up my gun. I was informed that the dros system was down and they couldn’t release the gun. I asked if they knew when it would be back up and they said that they had called the dojs office every day and that they were told they didn’t know. I have called every day hoping that the system would be up and running and no luck so far! It is now the 24th and I have until February 2 to pick it up or else I have to make a 5 hour drive to re do the paperwork and then wait another!!!! 10 days when I’ve already waited 21 days for I gun that I’ve already paid for!!! This is completely unacceptable.
Well I just fell into the same situation, not as bad as some of the others on this site but bad enough where I can’t buy ammo and the CFARS site keeps repeating impossible statements.
What I didn’t see on this site is a solution. What needs to be done to correct this ridiculous system? Are there any attorneys out there who can fix this? Is there a Director who runs this organization that we can get to help us? What the phone number that we can call to get help?
I was not in CFARS site so attempted to register and received a reject. Given three possible reasons.
1) You did not provide correct or enough information in the “Personal Information at the time of purchase” section for the system to locate your record and update your information.
=> ? This field did not exist in the website
2) You do not have a record in the AFS.
=> ? I was doing this to enter a firearm
3) The firearm information you entered does not match your record in the AFS
=> ? OK, that pretty much mean this could be any reason possible
This whole Ammo buying process is NONSENSE! I legally own multiple firearms in the state of California and tons of ammo. I went to buy some ammo at my local Walmart and was thinking I was prepared with my stupid Real ID that cost me $35 bucks. I paid my dollar for my eligibility check and started picking out my ammo. The clerk comes back with a denied result. With no explanation other than check CFARS site and that’s when the fun begins.
I go to this CFARS site and type in my DROS to get some super generic answer which sounds like my address doesn’t match my address when i bought my last firearm several years ago. So i have to create an account to fix it apparently.
I created an account and the first time I tried to login it didn’t work. I thought maybe i did something wrong so i reset my password and account name. It went to the secret questions and i answered them just to get a account locked error. Contact us it says.
So i called the phone number and spent over an hour going through the 9 different prompts trying to talk to an actual person. I could never get a hold of anyone, find any menu about website account issues or ammo purchasing issues. I tried emailing them and got no response.
So I cant get a hold of anyone or purchase ammo legally in California. Nonsense!
Today was the 5th i went into attempt to buy ammo since i was informed of this ammo background check nearly a month ago. I went in a month ago and was told i needed to go onto CFARS to register my guns to my new address. So i did… created an account, have a receipt, etc. Went back two weeks later, still no update so continued denial for ammo. Went back about a week later and bought a 357 through another civilian using the gun shop and my mediator, still denied background check, couldnt buy ammo. Went back again today… still denied after a month, cant pick up my 357 i paid for or ammo. Just got home and attempted to log into CFARS which i have now done a couple times and THIS TIME it tells me my log in name and password are wrong. After a couple attempts i click “forgot name/password” for fear of being locked out. I then entered my info and it tells me it has “No History of me. (summary)”…
what the hell am i supposed to do. I am a registered nurse with no violent history or arrests of any kind?
I attempted to purchase ammo and was denied. The shop owner asked if I had purchased a gun recently. I told him no but a had registered 16 in 2015. Well beyond the date and enough time to enter them in the state system. He said I could pay the 19 fee or purchase a gun. I don’t want to pay the inept state $19 nor do I need another gun. I want the ammo to hunt for food and pleasure this season. He printed off the DROS number and I sent a message to CFARS with that DROS number AND also reregistered a gun already in my name from 2015 and sent that transaction number also asking why I was denied. I got a reply asking me to give them my phone number and someone would call me. Well… I’ve done that 5 times and called the number they list online and no one has called me and contacted me in any way nor do they answer the phone. This is a total farce and denying my 2nd amendment rights to protect my family and to life liberty and pursuit of happiness.
I paid my $19 to register my gun and nothing. I still cant buy ammo, I just passed my companies FBI Live Scan, never been arrested or in any legal trouble. I have emailed and received that same reply as everyone else, that they will call. They never do. I finally filed a dispute with my credit cars company to get my $19 back. Thanks for making me drive to Nevada for my ammo now. But at least I was able to stock up so I never need cfars again.
As with others here – attempted to purchase ammunition – denied.
Register on CFARS – rejected; specific reason is unknown.
Starting to run out in some calibers …
I gotta ask however – all these good folks being denied their 2nd Amendment rights, the state arguably encouraging them to behave unlawfully by purchasing out-of-state, via others, etc. – what is “” as a group, doing about it?
Ammunition law struck down, then a stay on the order. Criticism: I don’t see any positive action toward dissolving this unconstitutional effort that California alone has undertaken.
Ahaaa, I am not alone, that made me feel a little bit better.
I was denied to purchase ammo at two different stores on different days. There was no clear reason when I checked the CFAR system. I STRONGLY suspected someone typo my information into DROS database, most likely it could be my name.
1. Purchased my pistol at SPORTSMANS SUPPLY on 08/11/2020; pick-up on 08/26/2020;
2. Failed to purchase ammo at Big5 store on 09/04/2020;
3. On 9/22/2020, I went to SPORTSMANS SUPPLY INC where I purchased the pistol, but failed to purchase ammo by inputting the exact same info as the pistol purchase.
Wow others are having the same issue as me. I purchased a single handgun from a local shop last year. Had no problems until this law. Despite my details being exact and perfect, I have tried 3 different times to get my ammo that I purchased but every time the database says rejected, without a reason. The gun store owners tell me that I have to wait up to 4 months to receive a notice in the mail of the reasoning…but it’s been almost 12 months by now already, nothing from DOJ.
I have a clean record and have owned all my guns for a long time. Way before this bullsh6 . I was denied by Cfars check.
This is not to keep ammo from criminals. It is clearly keeping ammo from law abiding citizens Proven by the numbers.
Retired from law enforcement before these laws were put in force. However, since law I was able to purchase ammo with no problem at a gun range (yes, used all ammo at range where it was purchased). Moved a few months later and went to purchase some more ammo from local sporting good store. DENIED/REJECTED. Just for moving, and not registering my firearm at new residence? Really???
Here’s the kicker, the house I moved into I had already owned (used as a prior rental). Denied ammo just because I moved from one house to another (yes, owned both) and not because of any nefarious or illegal behavior or conduct. Just a paperwork (well, computer “virtual” paper) is the only hold up. It’s still early, and I just updated the AFS info, so now I sit and wait for CA-DOJ to review my info. Ugh!
I was denied purchasing ammo today 11/03/2020. I purchased a handgun and lower receiver on 09/02/2020, I picked up both on 9/12/2020 without issue. No issues between September and today that would preclude me from legally purchasing ammo. I can only assume this is due to the lack of execution of the DOJ to properly update the database. I now understand what it feels like to have my rights denied. It was embarrassing to stand there and feel like a criminal.
I own three lawfully registered handguns purchased in California, the last purchase being in 2010. I went to purchase ammo and was denied due to the guns not updated in the current CFARS system. So I left the store and then I re-registered within the CFARS and paid the $19 fee (a fee which I previously paid to register the guns when I first purchased them). Went to the store again and was told that my California Drives License was not enough and that I needed a “Real ID”. I did not have a “Real ID” and had to show my birth certificate. I left the store and returned with my birth certificate along with my California Drivers License. When they ran the check, I was denied purchase. I was denied because the processing time for the CFARS had not yet cleared.
So as a legal gun owner, in good standing with my community (no prior felonies, etc), I have had my constitutional right to own and bear arms infringed by the unlawful Prop 63. This is clearly an undue burden placed upon me to purchase ammunition for guns I legally own.
I can only hope that the Supreme Court ends up getting the Becerra case and puts an end to this once and for all.
I went to buy ammunition unaware of the new law, but aware ammo was in short supply, and aware that my local Turners only get ammo in two days a week. I waited in line for 30-minutes only to be told I couldn’t buy ammo because the DOJ doesn’t update their system and doesn’t talk to the DMV or any other government agency, and so the pistol I bought 15+ years ago is apparently still “registered” to my old address. But which address, I wonder. I’ve moved 3 times in the past 15 years. It was a 40-minute round trip, plus a 30-minute wait in the store, only to be told I could not buy ammunition.
Fortunately the salesman gave me a flier about the new laws, so when I got home I created an account on the DOJs CFARS website, but then couldn’t log in because it was asking me for my Username, but I was not asked to create a Username when I created my account. I had to use the “Forgot Username” option to find the username the system had generated for me, then I added my old pistol, but now I cannot find any way to use the CFARS website to verify my information is up-to-date. I can see that my personal information is up-to-date (i.e., what I entered), but I cannot see the information for my pistol. Why can’t I view that information on their website? Apparently I have to wait for an email but after reading other people’s comments I’m not holding my breath.
There is a Form BOF-053 “Request for Firearm Records” that I can submit, but the DOJ want me to pay a Notary to sign that Form that they verified my identity.
Can I submit a CPRA request for a copy of MY OWN records?
Unfortunately, this type of record is not one that can be requested under the public records act. That said, in spite of the frustrating bureaucracy, try again to create a username – once an account is created, you should be able to update your records on CFARS. We have been battling DOJ’s record keeping for years and it has only worsened with the ammo registration. Until such time that the courts overturn (hopefully) ammo registration and other laws, we are stuck in having to comply with statute – no matter how unconstitutional it may be.
Denied ammo today. Didn’t actually run it I don’t think, the clerk just hit a stop screen and asked if I had purchased a gun in a while… I said “No”. Sportsman’s said most likely because I have not purchased a firearm in last 5yrs (haven’t needed a new one) I’ll be denied. No outstanding criminal charges. No DV’s or retraining orders. Never an issue purchasing a gun in the past. I’ve moved since my last purchase, so Clerk said I should go on to the CFALS website and update my info, along with “registering” (yes, he actually said “register”) one of my firearms… I think I’ll pass. If for some reason they have no record of what I own… I’m not refreshing their database. I’ll just reload 😀
I just bought 2 weapons weeks ago a handgun and a shotgun so I waited 30 days to get a another handgun and the delayed my background check for 30 days. I tried calling them have me waiting 2 hours no response daaaam I’m just gona leave my phone on all day till they answer 😂