Wine and the 2nd Amendment – It’s All GOOD.

The world can be an ugly place, and discouragement at how far we have fallen as a culture and country can sometimes be tough to bear.  That’s why God invented wine.

Now before anyone gets their boxers in a bunch, this statement is made to some extent in jest. But just as the hilarious Eric Swalwell’s “live TV” incident (poot!) proves, we are in desperate need of things that make us smile.  At least for a moment, we must step away from tragedy and the nastiness of regurgitated 24 hour fake news cycles and think about some good stuff.

Good stuff like being able to drink wine that truly celebrates the heritage of hunting and outdoor sports.  Good stuff that’s been harvested under the bright and warm California sun – that will tantalize your senses and taste buds  while supporting such non-PC themes as the 2nd Amendment and hunting?  Yep, it’s possible!

Meet Arron Johnson, founder and owner of The Lodge Winery and Olive Oil Company.

In his own words, Johnson says The Lodge Winery is owned and operated by outdoors people, for outdoors people. We support and promote safe hunting, shooting, fishing and outdoors sports, whether it’s out in the field, at the range, at the lake, river or sea.”

Can we get an AMEN here? We are proud to stand and partner with the Lodge Winery!

The Winery is 100% correct when they report that most people don’t have any clue that the vast majority of wineries are owned and operated by people who are against hunting and gun ownership.”  Our own radical governor, Gavin Newsom co-founded a San Francisco wine store in 1992, growing the business into multimilllion-dollar collection of wineries, bars, hotels and restaurants under the PlumpJack label.   (Remember that next time you go wine tasting in Napa.)

If you currently drink wine, there’s a high likelihood that the company behind that bottle votes for politicians and supports organizations who want to take away your rights to own and possess firearms, and/or your right to hunt. Many of them can’t tell you the difference between a semi-automatic shotgun that we commonly use for duck hunting, and a true military rifle, but in their eyes, anything “semi-automatic” is bad and should be banned. They’re quick to place bans and restrictions on everything they know nothing about. Many give sizable donations to organizations who relentlessly fight against everything we love and stand for.” That’s certainly not the case with Johnson’s winery.

When it comes to politics, there are very few who actually put action to their words, and the Lodge Winery does just that – and more.  They donate portions of their profits back to clubs and organizations who promote youth fishing and hunting, firearms safety and shooting leagues, as well as organizations that support the right to keep and bear arms (such as GOC), and the right to hunt, fish, and keep lands open for outdoors people of all ages to enjoy. Their dedication to the same core values as GOC is an encouragement – and also provides the very best of opportunities to support their mission AND our mission.  To do so while enjoying some award winning California wines makes this all the more sweet.

When you are doing your holiday shopping this year, ask yourself, “So that wine you/I currently drink… is it one whose profits are actually being used against our own freedoms and outdoor lifestyle? “   GOC encourages you to check out their products – they have olive oils, vinegars and chocolates, too  – each one is superb.  Click here for a unique GOC discount code.  Check out the labels for the Hunter Series, Angler Series and Trophy Series of wines.  They are stunning and make a beautiful gift for the hunter or fisherman in your life.

Supporting a business that is like-minded when it comes to the 2nd Amendment is a no-brainer for GOC, but it goes beyond the obvious.  These are terrific people who are eager to do terrific things for their community and our country.  They deserve our support!

Posted in

L.A. Paredes


  1. Kenny Volk on November 28, 2019 at 7:17 am

    THANK YOU for sharing this. Newsom is the worst.

  2. Edgar Murillo on January 11, 2020 at 6:51 am

    Recall Gavin newsom