GOT TIME? GOC’s Tips for a “Constructive” Quarantine

Who hasn’t wanted to squeeze more than 24 hours into a day?  We’ve all done it – we want more time to do the things we need to do.  We want more time to do the things we want to do.  No one asked for it to come in the form of a pandemic but that’s exactly what we got:  MORE TIME.

And while this unique span in world history may not give us more time to take that nifty vacation, and it does seem like we are all experiencing our own personal Groundhog Days, it does provide some good opportunities to get stuff done that we have put off.

Here are some suggestions to fill our days with some truly productive activities – that will ultimately lead to being more prepared, and could actually save a life:

  • Clean and repair your guns.
  • Make a list of where each of your guns are physically located. Include make, model and serial number.  Such records are imperative for insurance purposes should any firearm be lost or stolen. Plus, state law requires that lost or stolen guns are reported to law enforcement.
  • Make sure each firearm is stored properly.
  • Organize your ammunition.
  • Establish security measures for your family i.e. need for evacuation (fire, flood or other such crisis event). Assemble a “Go Bag” of all the items you will need. Check out this excellent list from Life Hacker here.
  • If you have reloading equipment – start reloading!
  • Study up on the 2nd Amendment and join Gun Owners of California! There is a significant intersection between COVID-19 and our gun rights, and we all must be aware how this could impact our community. JOIN HERE!
  • If you don’t have reloading equipment, this is a perfect time to buy some. Check your local gun stores for recommendations.
  • Now is a great time to tune into some excellent 2nd Amendment podcasts and YouTube Channels – here are some of our favorites:
  • Gun Guy TV/Podcast
  • Guns and Gadgets
  • Hank Strange – Lifestyles of the Locked and Loaded
  • Military Arms

  • It’s also a great time to avoid any sort of corporate media, unless of course you have some awkward desire to be frightened, discouraged, ticked off or generally end up in a really bad mood.
  • Figure out a way to help someone in need or crisis. We must stiff-arm the temptation to feel sorry for ourselves – we all can deliver a meal while following social distancing rules.  We can phone a friend with words of encouragement, patronize a local restaurant with a take-out order, and we can offer to pick up someone’s mail, pull in their trash cans, stack/provide firewood or mow a lawn.  Having extra time on our hands presents all kinds of options for creativity to think beyond the end of our own noses.

Being “sheltered in place” obviously has its share of disadvantages and personal challenges.  For many, it means the devastation of no work and no income.  For others, it means being isolated from friends and family, which has its own set of tough consequences.  “Normal” life seems remote right now, and quite frankly, and almost lavish in comparison.  Because GOC believes in American exceptionalism and that our collective spirit is vibrant, we are confident we will move through this crisis and emerge stronger, and more appreciative of each of our “ordinary” lives.

Posted in

L.A. Paredes


  1. Richard Lee Ryther on April 10, 2020 at 8:15 pm

    Fantastic ideas!

  2. 40nascar on April 14, 2020 at 2:08 am

    Nothing like being Locked and Loaded for the jailbirds coming to your town! Thank you Governor Newscum!