THE TRUTH: The Anti-2A Left Can’t Handle It
Last week, the Wall Street Journal published an op ed by prominent firearm policy researcher John Lott Jr., and big shocker – the anti-gunners immediately got their knickers in a…
Read MoreNewsom and His Upcoming Anti-Gun “Friday News Dump”
Word on the street is that Governor Gavin Newsom is planning a press conference to announce his signature on a pack of super nasty anti-gun bills. And this is supposedly…
Read MoreFBI Report: Yes, Homicides by Gun (Even the AR-15) Are Falling
With a daily diet of 24-7 news cycles, it’s no wonder most people are terrified of becoming a victim, or worse – having our children in the crosshairs of an…
Read MoreThe Left’s Dirty Little Secret on Taking Our Guns Isn’t So Secret Anymore
The dirty little secret of that the Left is coming for our guns isn’t so secret anymore. Thank you Beto O’Rourke – the presidential contender whose polling numbers hover around…
Read MoreThe CA Legislature: Giving the “Golden Finger” to Gun Owners
The California Legislative leadership doesn’t give a rat’s you-know-what about Californians, that is unless you want to get out of prison early, are a felon and want to vote, or…
Read MoreGeraldo Unzipped: It’s Your Brain That’s Small! Here’s Some AR-15 Truth
So Geraldo Rivera – the indisputable example of journalistic integrity thinks anyone who owns an AR-15 has – wait for it – a small penis. Yep, that’s what he tweeted…
Read MoreFinal Days of CA’s Legislative Session: Is the 2nd Amendment a Priority?
The Legislature has two more weeks before they break for the Interim Recess. This means the members will return to their respective districts, and the Capitol halls will be quiet. …
Read MoreGUN VIOLENCE RESTRAINING ORDERS: Another Tax Funded Study That Reveals Nothing
Did you know your tax dollars are being used to support and expand laws that would brand you as GUILTY – until proven innocent? That’s right – this backasswards movement…
Read MoreRed Flag Laws: Insincerity on Steroids
A lot of folks laughed (including the GOC team) when President Trump tweeted about the possibility of CNN’s Chris Cuomo falling victim to red flag laws after his viral explosive…
Read MoreGun Control’s Shrill Call to “DO SOMETHING!” – Whether It Works or Not…
The piercing tirade of the anti-gun movement has never been so shrill – nor has it ever been so vile. It’s more evidence that the Left won’t neglect an opportunity…
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