California Gun Ownership Doubles! OH NO!
When it was reported this week that in ten short years the number of gun owners in California has more than doubled, the anti-gun crowd must have been spittin’ nails. …
Read MoreAnti-Gun Legislative Floodgates Opened – and It Ain’t Pretty!
The anti-gun legislative floodgates have officially opened, and as it happens with any rush of sludgy muck, the results sure ain’t pretty. 2,576. That’s how many bills have been introduced…
Read MoreIt Does NOT Take Courage to Restrict a Constitutional Right
“Stopping gun violence takes courage” says former congresswoman and gun control aficionada Gabby Giffords. “Courage to do what’s right, courage to use new ideas.” Courage is defined as the “mental or…
Read More1000 NEW CALIFORNIA LAWS? Holy Nightmare Batman!
1,016 more rounds of ammo: GOOD 1,016 more dollars in a bank account: GOOD 1,016 more laws in California: BAD. The last thing California needs are new laws, but as…
Read MoreGun Control FAIL: Gun Deaths Up 18% in California
Taking an idea and following it to a logical conclusion is, well, logical. Taking an idea and following it to a contradictory conclusion is illogical, yet this seems to be…
Read MoreGUN RIGHTS ARE WOMEN’S RIGHTS: High Profile Forum Set for San Diego State University
Turning Point USA is the largest and fastest growing youth organization in America. They have an impressive presence on over 1,300 college campuses and high schools across the country –…
Read MoreBlue Wave? Red Wave? We’re Gunning for a 2nd Amendment Wave
Blue wave – red wave? How about a 2nd Amendment wave? That’s what GOC is working towards. Gun Owners of California jumped into the political combat zone in 1975, and…
Read MoreScarlet Letter or Yellow Badge? LA City Council Votes to Brand Businesses Who Support the 2nd Amendment
Bolstering their reputation as an anti-2nd Amendment stronghold, the Los Angeles City Council recently passed a measure requiring city contractors to disclose if they have ties to the National Rifle…
Read MoreJerry Brown’s 2A Legacy: Mixed Bag of “What the Heck?”
With the stroke of his pen on September 30, Governor Jerry Brown made the last legislative decisions of his political career and left his mark as an anti-gun politician who was willing…
Read MoreNo Room for Weenies – With Gun Rights or a SCOTUS Nomination
An awful lot of Republicans are weenies because their parents likely trained them to be polite, considerate and to be respectful of other’s opinions. They follow the rules of civility.…
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