Anti-2A Groups Join Anti-2A Kids to Stir Election Fear
On Saturday, September 15, a nationwide project was launched by the anti-gun movement and according to their press releases, its being led by “student activists” to urge voters to elect…
Read MoreTaxpayers Pick up Tab: Anti-Gun Kamala Harris Gets Out-of-Jurisdiction Armed Security
The double standard just keeps on truckin’. The hypocrisy is staggering. If there’s even a smidge of inconsistency from the right, the media literally explodes with nasty finger pointing. But…
Read MoreLoosey-Goosey School Shooting Data – What Never Happened
The gun-stunner of the week is no surprise to GOC: the vast majority of school shootings never even happened. The big surprise, however, is where the data comes from: the…
Shopify – a big player in the e-commerce industry – is a provider of online stores for roughly 600,000 businesses. Last week, this Canadian company delivered a knife in the…
Read More3D Meltdown! Separating Fact from Fiction
There’s nothing more interesting than watching the Left and their media compatriots get their panties in a bunch over nothing. With each passing day, the teeth gnashing grows more feverish and…
Read MoreTV Today: Ramping Up a Remarkable Anti-2nd Amendment Bias
John Lott always has something relevant to say and this week is certainly no different. For those who aren’t aware of his unparalleled research on firearms, violence and the 2nd…
Read MoreGun Owners: Looking Forward to Our “Worst Nightmare!”
Are we fist-pumping the Supreme Court nomination of a “true 2nd Amendment radical” by President Trump? You bet we are. Life is good. The same can’t be said for the…
Read MoreVacancy on the Supreme Court: The Fuss is REAL and IMPORTANT
So, what’s all the fuss about the upcoming vacancy on the Supreme Court of the United States? The fuss is real. Whether you sit on the right – or on…
Read MoreCA Department of Justice: Too Much on Their Plate
Does anybody really think the California Department of Justice needs more stuff to do? They employ 4,500 plus lawyers, investigators, and sworn peace officers who seek to “enforce and apply…
Read MoreLobbying at the CA Capitol: Whack-A-Mole on Steroids
Lobbying at the State Capitol is kind of like one big game of Whack-a-Mole. No matter how many times we whack a stupid idea, it doesn’t take long for it…
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