Gun Owners of California is in the process of transitioning to a new legislative tracking service that we believe will provide greater content and usability. It will permit you to communicate directly with your elected representatives and will also have the most current data on GOC positions and bill status reports. As both the Senate and Assembly have adjourned until January 3, 2022, this page will remain blank until that time. HOWEVER, should you wish to see the results of the first half of the 2021/22 session, check out GOC’s blog on the last minute legislative shenanigans as well as updates on what Governor Newsom signed HERE. (see posts from Sept 22, Sept 29 and October 10).
Taking Advantage of a Calamity: CA Legislature Seeks to “Proxy” Vote
It’s been over 150 days since a State of Emergency was declared by Governor Newsom. He’s been a busy guy ever since – he’s enacted over 40 Executive orders that…
So, what can we expect when the anti-gun bills are heard next week in the Assembly Public Safety Committee? Under normal circumstances, things are always rough for supporters of the…
DOJ’s “Summary of Gun Laws” Is 4 Years Old – Are You Kidding?
The old adage “ignorance of law excuses no one” is never more true than right here in California, and this is especially true when it comes to guns. That’s why…
The Left Leads With Another Sucker Punch – On Lead.
Hunters in California have endured one sucker punch after another. The sad reality is that in 2019, the number of hunters in the Golden State decreased by 17 percent. The…
Red Flag Laws, Eavesdropping Waiters and Yep, Seizing Your Guns: It’s Happening!
Imagine being an 84-year old veteran of the Korean War and having a hearty bacon-and-eggs breakfast at your local diner with a friend. Now imagine while refilling your coffee, the…
Newsom and Harris: On the Gun Confiscation Bandwagon
“No state does it as well or as comprehensively as the state of California and we still have a long way to go,” said Governor Newsom with a smile, as…
Newsom and His Upcoming Anti-Gun “Friday News Dump”
Word on the street is that Governor Gavin Newsom is planning a press conference to announce his signature on a pack of super nasty anti-gun bills. And this is supposedly…
The CA Legislature: Giving the “Golden Finger” to Gun Owners
The California Legislative leadership doesn’t give a rat’s you-know-what about Californians, that is unless you want to get out of prison early, are a felon and want to vote, or…
Final Days of CA’s Legislative Session: Is the 2nd Amendment a Priority?
The Legislature has two more weeks before they break for the Interim Recess. This means the members will return to their respective districts, and the Capitol halls will be quiet. …
Red Flag Laws: Insincerity on Steroids
A lot of folks laughed (including the GOC team) when President Trump tweeted about the possibility of CNN’s Chris Cuomo falling victim to red flag laws after his viral explosive…