Ammo Reg and Gun Stories From CA and Beyond

While San Diego mulls how to prevent their law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves, Fresno’s City Council is whining about their mayor vetoing a program to give gang members money to incentivize good behavior.  Because that will somehow curb gun violence.  Right.

And beware a new poll that reports states with strong gun laws lead to fewer deaths among children – the study itself, however, says that assaults accounted for more than 60% of all deaths, followed by suicide.  Plus, young men made up 87% of victims, and more than two-thirds were between 18 and 21, researchers said.  Is it a possibility that a good majority of them are also gang members? Of course.

We are two weeks into the ammo registration scheme and the horror stories have been coming in fast and furiously –  click  here to read our latest blog piece about it and tell us what YOU have experienced when buying ammo.  We are collecting data for lawsuits to challenge the law so if you want to share information with us, email GOC directly here.

San Diego Considers New Safe Storage Policy | Bearing Arms/Townhall
City Attorney pushing gun control agenda.

Fresno Council Must Override Mayor’s Veto Of Program To Stop Gun Violence
There are questions about whether mentoring gang members work.

WHAT? Humboldt County has state’s 2nd-highest homicide rate | Paradise Post
Local officials urge caution with stats: family issues, drug trade play role.

A New Home at Bearing Arms | Bearing Arms
Great news: Cam Edwards joins Bearing Arms.

‘Red Flag’ Laws And Their Awful Consequences | The Hill
Laws allowing police to pre-emptively confiscate a person’s firearms have exhibited the most staying power.

Democrats Mum as Bodies Stack up in Gun-Controlled Chicago | Breitbart
AWR Hawkins points out their outrageous silence.

Tougher gun laws lead to fewer firearm-related deaths among children? | 10 News
New study says so, but their conclusions aren’t exactly correct.

John R. Lott, Jr. and Andrew Pollack: Dems and Gun Control … | Fox News
…They want it whether it works or not.

Universal Background Checks Don’t Work | Locked Back
And besides, they don’t have public support.

Antifa Activist Shot Dead During Protest | Townhall
He was trying to attack an ICE detention facility with incendiary device.

Uh Oh. Lawyer Arrested for Alleged Failure To Report Stolen Gun |American Bar Journal
Cautionary message for all, as gun was traced to later shooting.

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J.K. Benson