GOC Alert: Gavin Newsom Introduces Anti-Gun Ballot Initiative

In a move that capitalizes on personal tragedies rather than fact, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom has decided to carry the anti-Second Amendment banner, marching against the Constitution and law abiding gun owners in California.

Speaking at a press conference today, the Lt . Governor announced he will take California’s control of gun ownership to the highest in the nation, by restricting ammunition sales and mandating that “assault-style” high capacity magazines be surrendered or taken out of state.

“Liberal politicians are famous for gushing statistics that distort the issue – when Gavin Newsom and Senator DeLeon quote how many people have been killed by guns in the past few minutes or months, they abjectly ignore how many die in gang related activity or in the commission of a crime. I challenge the media to ask this question,” said Sam Paredes, Executive Director of Gun Owners of California.

Currently, data shows that there are more legal firearms in circulation in the United States than ever before, yet gun-related crime continues to drop, dispelling the myth that more guns translates to more crime (FBI Uniform Crime Report – 2015). Although California has the highest rate of gun-related crimes in the nation, it also has some of the most restrictive gun laws, which have clearly had no impact on a reduction in firearm related violence.

“Gun free zones have not stopped tragedies on school campuses, nor has a single statute ever protected the innocent from an evil soul intent to do harm,” said Paredes.



October 16, 2015
KCRA Channel 3 News (TV)
Sacramento Bee (Newspaper)
FOX News Radio

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