GOC Founder, Senator H.L. Richardson Pen’s “Final Words”

FinalWordsCoverAt the age of 88, Senator Richardson and Founder of GOA and GOC has released his final commission to American’s, starting with his own grandchildren, to stand up and for the rights, freedoms, and future of our great country.

While Senator H.L. Richardson’s first autobiography, “The Grass is Greener on My Side of the Fence” was written primarily for the entertainment of his young grandchildren, this follow up book contains more than enough wisdom to educate and motivate the masses.   Written from the perspective of a grandfather, to his now grown grandchildren, this sequel delves into the details behind The Senator, and the adventures, lessons, and passions that make him the patriot he is today.

Richardson shares the knowledge and insights he gained from working in the trenches of the political arena along with warnings against complacency.  Future generations will be remiss if they don’t yield to the wisdom and experience of those before us.  Senator Richardson has lived a long and successful life as an artist, a businessman, and a politician.  The legacy he leaves us with goes beyond that of leading a successful professional career, but of fighting to protect the futures of those you love.

“Bill Richardson had a great political career as a champion of freedom, even more important he equipped a whole generation of young patriots to pick up the load and follow in his footsteps” – Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

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J.K. Benson