Watching the liberals squabble amongst themselves is probably one of the bright spots in an otherwise dismal atmosphere. Evidently, being at the top of the political food chain does not immunize our elected officials from getting their panties in a bunch when they think someone is stealing their idea of how to better California – or in reality, how to better their own personal political ambitions. This is the case at the Capitol right now – and unfortunately, the liberty-loving gun owners in California are in their crosshairs.

In short, Senate ProTem Kevin de Leon has fancied himself the savior of the anti-gun movement. Thus, the Senate is pushing a host of bad bills because they can’t “stand by while our communities suffer from this horrific violence.” Legislative process be damned because they certainly didn’t stand by their own rules when they did “gut and amends” (stripped content, inserted new stuff) on five Assembly Bills, circumventing committee hearings and thus jumping to the front of the line. They basically thumbed their noses at active Assembly anti-gun bills because – get this – 4 of the 11 bills that passed off the Senate Floor in a “Special Order of Business” on May 19, are virtually identical to existing Assembly Bills. Confused yet? THESE FOUR BILLS ARE CURRENTLY ON THE 3RD READING FILE OF THE ASSEMBLY – WHICH MEANS THEY ARE ELIGIBLE TO BE VOTED ON AT ANY TIME. Once this happens, they will go to the Governor’s Desk; the “non-gut-and-amends” are headed to Assembly Public Safety. This pretty much had everyone’s head spinning.

Meanwhile, not to be outdone, Assembly members held a press conference last week calling attention to their own anti-gun measures – including a new House Resolution by Speaker Anthony Rendon, which calls for students as young as junior high, to be propagandized on the dangers of gun violence. MOST OF THESE BILLS ARE STILL ON THE ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS’ COMMITTEE “SUSPENSE FILE” (meaning they have a fiscal component) AND WILL BE VOTED ON THIS WEEK. After that, they will appear before the full Assembly for a vote; if they pass, it’s on to the Senate).

All this legislative baloney is going on concurrently with the push Gavin Newsom is making for his own initiative – which some in his own party would prefer not appear on the November ballot, even though it has qualified. They worry about driving too many pro-gunners to the polls, and this could spell disaster for some marginal legislative seats.

All this to say, this is a uniquely peculiar – and dangerous – time to be a gun owner in our state. For an update on how each bill is moving its way through the maze at the Capitol, CLICK HERE. Plus, we’ll keep you informed on these legislative leaders and their zealous attempts to crown themselves King of the Anti-Gunners.

Dictators of the Defenseless is more like it.

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