Shooting Aftermath and a Push for More Gun Laws


There’s a lot of California gun news this week – obviously, the Sacramento shooting last week is the reason behind a lot of it, and what a revelation it has been.  We have gone from the media loudly shrieking of yet another “mass shooting” to a much quieter “it was a gang shootout…”   They just can’t manipulate the emotions of the gun control agenda as effortlessly when a bunch of repeat felons use illegally manipulated – and stolen – guns to mow down a group of weekend revelers.  In the aftermath of this tragedy, Leftist politicians – and their corporate media cheerleaders aren’t so willing to comment on the early release of violent men nor their apparent gang involvement.  Curious.

Plus, check out two articles below that shine a light on how the anti-gun folks twist the narrative – Reason’s “Do Studies Show Gun Control Doesn’t Work” and the Bearing Arms piece on the LA Times “Love Letter” to Leftist tactics.

The Legislature is off this week, but GOC is busy analyzing the bills that impact gun owners throughout the state and we encourage you to follow along on our current legislation tracker HERE.  We are working on adding additional data so we can keep you ARMED and INFORMED!  Make sure you share this email with family and friends – help us beat back the radical policies that undermine our constitutional rights!

Do Studies Show Gun Control Works? No. | Reason
Out of 27,900 research publications on gun laws, only 123 tested their effects rigorously.

Gun Laws In California Have Failed | The San Francisco Examiner
The title says it all! Great piece by Dan Walters.

What CA Politicians Won’t Try to Reduce Gun Crime: Put Bad Guys Away | The Truth About Guns
Hopefully, voters remember this when they go to the polls.

Sacramento Shooting Renews Calls for Tighter Gun Legislation | The New York Time
Same old call from the anti-gun media…

SAC Shooting Suspect Was Released Early from Prison | Breitbart
Giving violent criminals a second chance deprives someone else’s first.

After Shooting, The State With Most Gun Laws May Get More | NPR
California doesn’t need more gun control, they need Leftist control!

LA Times’ Love Letter To Leftist Tactics | Bearing Arms
Great piece on how the media routinely manipulates the facts.

EXCLUSIVE: Beverly Hills’ Only Gun Shop Ordered to Close in 60 Days | Breitbart
Is anti-gun bias driving the property owner to boot the gun store?

Report: California Lawmakers Pushing 24 New Gun-Related Bills | Breitbart
And GOC is tracking them all.

CA Competence? ‘Clerical Error’ Lets Shooter Walk Out of Jail | The Truth About Guns
There must be accountability for this big error.

Biden Expected To Release Rule On Ghost Guns In Days | AP News
Americans have a long tradition of home-built firearms!

Biden Considering Another Anti-gun Nominee for ATF Directorship |
Might be worse than Chipman….

Amicus Brief Supports Gun Owners of America’s Bump Stock Case |
In case you missed it, the latest update on the bump stock case.

It’s the Crime. Political Leaders Must Face Reality | NSSF
The reality the anti-gun left won’t face.

Anti-Gun Activist David Hogg Insults, Then Reaches Out To Gun Owners | Bearing Arms
His 10 minutes of fame should have been up years ago.

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L.A. Paredes